Sunday, November 19, 2017

Synthesis Post

Hello, and welcome to our blog! If you are trying to learn about the field of supply chain, you are in the right place. On this blog, you will find a variety of posts that deal with supply chain. Here is an introduction about some of the material you will find while reading the various blog posts.

In companies that develop a service or product, there is a supply chain that is used to turn outsourced materials into their final product. There are many steps to developing a product out of raw materials, and in order to produce consistent merchandise effectively, someone needs to manage and regulate each step. A supply chain manager takes the role of making sure that the individual parts, as well as the overall supply chain, is working efficiently and cost effectively. Individuals of this position use various types of software to control inventory, orders, logistics, forecasting and planning, and had to be able to efficiently handle a flawed or deficient product.

Supply chain managers are largely influential contributors to the success of developed and spawning companies, especially today as we demand product shipments faster and faster. Any online company must deliver at the minimum fast, and reliable delivery of products just to remain competitive in the market. To put themselves ahead, companies such as Amazon have invested everything into their supply chains efficiency to enable options such as two-day delivery, and even one hour delivery in some places. Supply chain managers are the key to success in all future companies.

Supply chain is a prominent factor of a successful business and has many career opportunities for people in many different fields. Here at Michigan State University, supply chain is the number one program in the nation. The highly ranked status of the program makes it an even more competitive environment when trying to get involved in the program.

In order to get into the number one program, the are degree requirements to get into The Eli Broad College of Business. The first set of requirements can be found here.

Once business admitted status has been accomplished, one must take 3 credits each of ACC 201 and 202 of principles of financial accounting, 3 credits in business communications: oral and written skills, 3 credits in business analytics and information systems, 3 credits in financial management, and 3 credits in each of the following listed: managing human resources and organizational behavior, quantitative business research methods, managerial marketing, introduction to supply chain management, and business policy and strategic management.

Then once admitted to a major, there are courses required to graduate with that major. For supply chain a student needs 3 credits in each in procurement and supply chain management, manufacturing planning and control, and logistics and transportation management. One of the following courses of either supply chain application and policy (2 credits) or supply chain industry applications (3 credits).
Here is a document with the listed courses needed to get into supply chain.

Once you graduate with a degree in supply chain, there is a handful of things to know. One is that running a supply chain for a company can be very competitive. In order to be successful, you have to have a winning attitude and come to work ready to get things done. A great thing about working for a supply chain is that you will not be bored. Our world is constantly changing and so are consumers, which makes days as a supply chain worker very unexpected. Another important aspect is that it is all about building relationships with your coworkers and your customers. While working, communication is what is going to keep the supply chain running smoothly. When getting new customers, you have to gain their trust and be able to stay committed to making sure that they are happy. To see more important aspects of working in a supply chain go straight to one of our posts here. While you read through our blog, try to keep in mind that there can be confusion and misinterpretations about supply chain.

Ten years ago, not many people even knew what supply chain management was. Today supply chain is all the buzz in well paying, high demand fields. Even though supply chain is usually regarded in a good light, there are still occasionally some misrepresentations about this field. Often times when a company misses a shipment date, or even fails to ship a product all together, the supply chain team is blamed. When in reality, these hold ups are often the result of flawed manufacturing plans that were either impossible or unrealistic for a company to execute. You can read more about this here. Another misrepresentation in supply chain is that everyone assumes a supply chain manager only deals with shipping a product. While supply chain managers do focus much of their time on the shipment of a product. They also spend a considerable amount of time purchasing necessary materials, and overseeing design timelines.

If you have any questions about a particular post or about supply chain in general, feel free to leave a comment or contact one of us. Thank you, and enjoy our blog!

The Importance of a Strong Resume

Supply chain management is a high demand field right now. This means that businesses have a shortage of employees to fill positions in supply chain fields. While this may make it sound like it is relatively easy to get a job in supply chain, I can assure you that this field is very competitive.

There are three important things to have when you are applying for a job in any field. First, you should have a degree in whatever field that you are trying work in. Getting hired by a serious company is impossible if you aren't qualified. Next, having some charm and good interview skills are important. Leaving an impression on the interviewer is a great way to set yourself apart from competing candidates. Lastly, and what we are going to focus on today, having a strong resume is essential when attempting to get hired in a field that is as competitive as supply chain.

Let me put it this way, after you leave an interview the only thing that the hiring committee has left of you is your resume. When you leave a resume behind, you are leaving a snapshot into the kind of person you are. A strong resume is everything.

When speaking about supply chain specifically, it is important that you have a clean and concise resume. Bullet points that efficiently show interviewers what you have to offer their company. Nobody enjoys reading long and drawn out paragraphs, so a concise and efficient resume is the way to go. Additionally, having buzzwords for the supply chain field is essential. Employers are looking for potential employees to have backgrounds in things like 'logistics', 'analytics', 'planning', and 'management'. These buzzwords will help to catch the attention of the hiring committee and set you apart just that much more.

Now go out there and make some money.

-Devon Anderson

Controversy in Supply Chain (7)
In April of 2013 a major factory in Bangladesh called Rana Plaza collapsed. The building collapsing killed 1,134 and injured many more.

This accident stirred up a lot of research into this facility and the companies connected to it. Big corporations such as Walmart, Primark, and H & M have been linked to using this factory and factories nearby as part of their supply chain. The accident caught the attention of the media and accusations were made regarding the type of labor used.

With such criticism it has forced many of these companies to change their supply chain. Pope Francis declared the condition of the factories to be “slave labor.” This drastically has hurt the reputation of these corporations.

Accessing the situation many people say that the factory helped these companies supply chains to make them more efficient. Other’s believe that we need to be further accessing every stage of companies supply chains to be sure to avoid such bad global exposure and risk.

-Kenzie Miller

Polecat. “3 Real-World Supply Chain Disasters (and How to Avoid Them).” Polecat, 23 May 2017,

Apple's Secret

I recently heard that Apple is nearly a trillion dollar company. This did not surprise me that much, but I was still very impressed and wanted to figure out some of the reasons on how they got to where they are today. Because this is a blog about supply chain, I wanted to see if the way Apple runs their supply chain can be a reason why they are so successful. Turns out, their supply chain is one of the driving forces of the success of their company. I found an interesting article that describes why, which can be found here.

They begin the article by describing the process they had to go through to get the tiny green button to turn on your MacBook when your front camera is on. They quickly found out that it is not possible for them to shine a light through metal. Apple figured out that it could be made possible to have a laser cut a whole in the metal in order for the light to shine through, but this would be very expensive. They needed to buy bulk of these lasers to get the project started. Their operations team was able to buy the lasers in bulk form a company in the United States.

That is just one example of how Apple has been able to buy the best materials for their products and make their products one of a kind. They have managed to make connections with all kinds of supply chains and are able to get themselves discounts on parts, air freights, and manufacturing capacity. Most companies were using ships to send their products over seas and to receive raw materials, but Jobs wanted to do it differently. He spent his own money to get his products in planes and to other countries. This resulted in quicker travels for his product, which customers enjoyed.

Another advantage that Apple's supply chain has is their stores. Apple stores always seem to busy and get a lot of attention. This allows supply chain workers to see what products are selling and what are not. By tracking this every hour of everyday, they are able to see what has the highest demand. Once they calculate what has the highest demand they are able to make more of that particular product, and make less of the product that is not selling. This lets them predict what they will be making so no times is waisted.

Apple would most likely still be successful without such a great supply chain, but they might not be where they are today. The way they run their supply chain has let them get their product to everyone around the world. Odds are, if you look at a fairly successful company, you will find that their supply chain is also highly ranked.
-Jarrod Lincoln

How to Get Into Supply Chain

In order to get into the number one program, the are degree requirements to get into The Eli Broad College of Business. First, one must achieve 4 credits in writing, 3 credits in a 200 level biological science and a physical science, 2 credits for a physical or a biological lab, 4 credits each in an arts and humanities 201-210 and 211-241, 4 credits each in a 200 level social sciences and a 300 level, 3 credits in MTH 103 or MTH 124, 3 credits in introduction to probability and statistics, 3 credits in computing concepts and competencies, 3 credits in both intro to macroeconomics and microeconomics, and an international requirement of 3 credits.

Once business admitted status has been accomplished, one must take 3 credits each of ACC 201 and 202 of principles of financial accounting, 3 credits in business communications: oral and written skills, 3 credits in business analytics and information systems, 3 credits in financial management, and 3 credits in each of the following listed: managing human resources and organizational behavior, quantitative business research methods, managerial marketing, introduction to supply chain management, and business policy and strategic management.

Then once admitted to a major, there are courses required to graduate with that major. For supply chain a student needs 3 credits in each in procurement and supply chain management, manufacturing planning and control, and logistics and transportation management. One of the following courses of either supply chain application and policy (2 credits) or supply chain industry applications (3 credits).
Here is a document with the listed courses needed to get into supply chain.

-Lauren Jankowski

Monday, November 13, 2017

First Impressions Matter

Whether or not they admit it, people are judging you from the very first second they meet you. Often the most important judgment they make about you Is the first one. For business professionals, there is normally only one chance to make a good impression, and with little time to do so. Here are some of the key ingredients to a successful first impression with a Business recruiter.

1. A strong handshake and confident introduction: People who act like they belong, are often treated as though they do. Having a firm handshake often helps to gain respect, and also purvey confidence. Eye contact shows that you have genuine interest in the person, and a great smile helps to put the person at ease and engage in the conversation.

2. Presentation: The way you dress and conduct yourself in a professional manner helps to catch peoples eye. Polished etiquette, and a well put together outfit are simple things that can often catch recruiters attention.

3. Being on time and prepared: It is very important to arrive prompt to the time you are meeting someone. If you are meeting someone impromptu, it is important to have a well practiced sales pitch to sell yourself. Also having business cards with your information also helps to show that you are passionate about what you do and eager to work

4. Being yourself: it sounds cheesy but one of the most important aspects of making a good impression is letting your true character show. In order to find the best match for you with a company it is important to let them get to know your personality.

5. The follow up: There are lots of people that develop a positive first impression, but it is the ones that follow up after the encounter that often get the job. Developing a short follow up email, or connecting with the person on LinkedIn can be detrimental to getting ahead.

-Kenzie Miller

Top 5 Supply Chain Blogs

The following is going to be a list of the top five supply chain blogs on the web right now. These blogs are all great resources for someone looking to find insight into the bubbling industry.

5. Supply Chain Network
This blog, which launched in 2007, is absolutely jam packed with anything and everything thats related to supply chain. This blog is a great place to start if you're looking to get an in depth look about supply chain optimization.

4. Supply Chain Matters
This blog is a great resource if you're looking for an analytical look at supply chain trends. Supply Chain Matters is a great blog for anyone that is relatively new to the supply chain space.

3. The 21st Century Supply Chain Blog
The 21st Century Supply Chain Blog is a great resource for anyone researching the cutting edge of supply chain tactics. This blog does a great job of analyzing how technology has changed the industry.

2. Supply Chain Digital
It is really hard to give a short synopsis into Supply Chain Digital. This blog is absolutely amazing, it is updated constantly with the latest and greatest going on in the supply chain industry. Supply Chain Digital is a great resource for all levels of supply chain knowledge.

1. Supply Chain in The Membrane
Arguably the most fun blog of all time, Supply Chain in the Membrane, is the best supply chain blog on the web today. The blog features a variety of authors, and great content. I would highly recommend this blog to friends, family, and complete strangers.

-Devon Anderson

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Growing A Business Through Supply Chain

When people start a business they do not really know if it is going to take off or not. There are thousands of the same business out there, so competition is is constantly rising. I was curious on what makes a business stand out and be successful enough to keep running. One thing I found out was that a companies supply chain allows it to grow and become more successful. I found a certain company, Olam Spice and Ingredients, that started off relatively small, but developed a better supply chain and found themselves growing and competing. The article I read can be found here.

Olam became a global company, supplying food companies in more than 70 countries. How did this become possible? They found the most efficient way to run their supply chain! After doing some research, Olam found that people now-a-days are looking for the most natural, healthy food there is to find. Knowing this, their supply chain bought raw materials that were organic and natural for their products. They did not use anything that is artificially flavored. Because of this, their supply chain can ensure that their product is making its way from farm to table.

They have also been able to break up their supply chain in different countries. This means that each country they work in, has different strategies that work for that specific supply chain. For example, they have a factory in Vietnam, which is one of the largest pepper growers in the world. In this specific factory they put their time and effort on the raw pepper they are gaining. Having that specific focus gives them a great advantage over other spice companies. In China, Olam focuses on dehydrated garlic. They have built customer trust because of their focus on finding the best ingredients.

Having a successful supply chain all relies on finding the best strategies that will help your overall company. For Olam, they expanded their company over seas and were able to find the best possible products to work with. Their supply chain workers predicted what the people would most likely want, and then they went out and made that happen. It is actually very interesting how much a supply chain can affect the overall business. 

-Jarrod Lincoln

Supply Chain Disaster

Supply Chains are known to be what keeps the company running efficient. Unfortunately, Subway's supply chain underestimated the demand for the limited reuben, which left the restaurants to turn away customers. The article discusses how Subway's supply chain didn't order enough rye bread from a supplier, ultimately leaving the food chains to run out of rye bread during the promotion of the reuben sandwich. This event occurred only 3 weeks into the 8 week promotion. Not only did the restaurants lack rye bread, but the corned beef started to dwindle. The shortage of the bread and meet created a decrease in revenue for Subway during that time.

It's important for supply chains to estimate demand for a good; an overestimation can lead to chains getting stuck with, "millions of dollars-worth of excess ingredients" (Phillips). On the other hand, an underestimation can lead to a shortage in the good, like Subway's fiasco. A shortage leaves supply chains scattered as they attempt to find more suppliers to solve the crisis. Companies are shifting their supply chains to excel in demand estimation during special offers. This includes using software that use consumer data to better summarize future demands.

-Lauren Jankowski

Works Cited

Phillips, Erica E. “Hold the Rye: Promos Leave Restaurant Supply Chains Stretched.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 10 Nov. 2017,

Monday, November 6, 2017

The Most Important Time of the Year for Supply Chain Managers

As the holidays are approaching, so is one of the most demanding times of the year for supply chain managers. For retailers, during the holiday season, the importance of getting their shipments and orders quickly is crucial to the success of their business during this time of year.

Global supply chain leader Roddy Martin, attests that the holiday season is one of the largest challenges supply chain managers in retail face. For satisfied holiday customers the minimum needed for success is on-time deliveries, not to mention extreme weather and the abnormally large amount of supplies moving through the same framework (Hudson).

His recommendation for cooperation’s is to begin starting planning for the following season on the tail end of the previous. In February is when he believes that companies should begin developing their plan for the upcoming season, and talking to merchandisers to find out what products they will be releasing, and decide what are going to be hot sellers.

Many companies have to internally re-construct their supply chain models and systems, to keep up with the holiday season and all that it demands. As Green Mountain Coffee Roasters grows as a cooperation, its supply chain system has evolved specifically to keep up with holiday sales. The company doubles their sales during the months of November, December, and January. The companies prior system was ordering product when it was needed, but for the upcoming holiday season they have incorporated a production planning software that will eliminate much of the stress that the urgent and last minute orders put on the supply chain managers to keep up with costumer demands while maintaining profits.

-Kenzie Miller

Work Cited

Hudson, Scott. “Supply Chain Management During the Holidays - SCM | Supply Chain Resource
Cooperative (SCRC).” Supply Chain Management During the Holidays - SCM | Supply Chain Resource Cooperative (SCRC) | North Carolina State University, (SCRC) Supply Chain Resource Cooperative | Poole College of Management | NC State University, 6 Dec. 2004,

Supply Chains and the Holiday Season

Every year it seems like the holiday season starts earlier and earlier. Consumers start looking for the best deals on the best products in early fall. This increased demand prior to the bigger shopping days in November and December can cause havoc on a supply chain. It is very important to plan ahead and plan well prior to the very busy holiday season.

Ideally, a company could hope that their plan for the holiday season will work out with little to no kinks or hiccups in the supply chain. Unfortunately, this is a very unrealistic hope. Manufacturers and retailers are working overtime during the holiday season. As a result, often times one can find mistakes in invoices or manufacturing that can throw a supply chain off track. Weather is also another factor during this season that can delay a supply chain. All it takes is one storm to ground planes or block roads, and shipments arrive days later than expected. These kinds of delays result in lost sales and unhappy consumers.

These are all reasons that companies need to plan cautiously and work vigorously when planning for the holiday season. It is important to make the best of each issue as it comes, and to make sure that lines of communication are open and clear for every step of the supply chain. Taking precautions and communicating effectively are the best ways to prevent chaos in a supply chain this and every holiday season.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Supply Chains Need to Switch to the Digital Frontside 
There are many logical reasons for companies to switch to a digital supply chain, which are explained in more detail in this article. The Center for Global Enterprise study supports that now is the time for organizations to make the transition. This switch to a digital supply chain can only optimize a company save time and money.

Results of a survey, made of hundreds of leading supply chains, shows that an improved digital supply chain can lead to a "20% reduction of procurement costs, a 50% reduction in supply chain costs, and an increase in revenue of 10%," (Myerson). The author also stated the arguments that real-time data analytics and collaboration with a purpose are among the many reasons to switch to a DSC (digital supply chain).

-Lauren Jankowski

Works Cited

Myerson, Paul. “Supply Chains Need to Turn to the Digital Frontside.” Industry, 1 Nov. 2017,

Pompt 6; Why Supply Chain Matters

I was curious on how much a companies supply chain matters to their overall success. After researching supply chain for a few weeks I have learned that a companies supply chain should be directly proportional to how successful they are. In order to prove that, I found a website that gives seven reason why supply chain matters to a business' success and ways to have a successful supply chain. That website can be found here.

The article states, "the success of your business is inextricably linked to the performance of your supply chain". This meaning, you cannot have a successful business without having a strong supply chain. A survey in 2014 found that seventy-nine percent of companies with a high-performing supply chain had a higher revenue than they were expected to have. With this in mind, a company needs to make sure that they have a strong supply chain. If they do not, then their company will struggle and possibly be shut down. Putting effort into your supply chain will determine how well your company can run and move forward.
There are many things a company can do to have a successful supply chain. One way is to find a strategy that works for your company; one that will move products smoothly and efficiently. A companies supply chain has to support what your overall business is trying to succeed, they cannot be two separate strategies. Having one goal for your overall company will help communication run smoothly throughout the supply chain.

One of the most important aspects of having a successful supply chain is its customer service. When it comes to supply chain, the customer has to be the number one priority. There are many similar companies out there, so you have to win over customers and prove that your company is the better option. Then, once you gain the trust of customers, you have to be able to keep that trust by making sure they are satisfied. If the customer is not satisfied, then they will judge the overall company. Just other way how the supply chain matters to the overall company.

This article give many arguments on how a companies supply chain directly affects the overall company. I found myself agreeing with all of the points they made. A supply chain can be considered the base of your company. It brings in customers, buys raw material, and moves the products you are selling. If your company fails to do any of these things, then you will not be able to compete with a company that is able to do all of these things. All in all, a companies supply chain is one of the most important aspects of that companies success.

-Jarrod Lincoln

Monday, October 30, 2017

Prompt 10; Misrepresentation in Supply Chain

Apple has been praised over the past 10 years for its exceptional Supply Chain. They have been industry leaders in cutting shipping costs and increasing the amount of product that they ship. Many companies have adopted the Apple model and put the system to work within their own organizations. Year after year, Apple releases new products. Year after year, Apple ships these products out with efficiency that even Amazon is jealous of.

Recently, Apple has been taking heat for its Supply Chain issues with the launch of their tenth anniversary edition iPhone.

You can read about it here.

Because Apple tried to incorporate a new body and innovative technology into this new phone, they haven't been able to ship the product as quickly as everyone expected. This problem with production clearly is not a Supply Chain issue within Apple. This is a production issue.

Supply Chains are mostly focused around the shipment and distribution of products from the point of manufacturing to the point of sale. The actual development and manufacturing of the product does not fall on the shoulders of the Supply Chain field. The above article is completely misrepresenting where Apple's issues can be found.

Don't believe the hype boys and girls. Apple still has one of the top Supply Chains that the world has ever seen, and they are constantly making strides to improve it.

-Devon Anderson

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Supply Chain Solves Problems

Not only does supply chain help a company achieve efficiency, it also helps the company plan for the future. The article "Big data untangles supply chain complexity" simplifies a complex system to make it easier to understand how supply chain can fix a problem. The article discusses how Starbucks used analytics to solve an issue.

When news broke that Starbucks used red dye made from crushed beetles to give their strawberry drinks the pink color, customers were disgusted. The company was quick to analyze where in the supply chain they needed to fix their problem. They went to the supplier and got rid of the beetles immediately. The use of analytics allowed the company to focus on their problem area and recover quickly without any further damage to the company's reputation.

It's crucial to be able to quickly identify where in the supply chain something had gone wrong. This career field is responsible for a company's successful present and future.

-Lauren Jankowski

Works Cited:

Chavez, Jon. “Big Data Untangles Supply Chain Complexity.” The Blade, 27 Oct. 2017,

Seasons Affecting Companies Supply Chains

There are many factors that contribute to a companies supply chain. They have to prepare for each holiday season to make sure everything runs smoothly. Every season comes with different challenges because of various discounts on products. If your companies supply chain is not able to produce enough products and ship them out to the eager customers, then they will lose their clients. I found an article that expresses the affects the holidays have on a companies supply chain.

It all starts with predicting what the consumers will demand to have. Every season has new products that everyone "has to have". They do not want to over or underproduce a certain product. Predicting the customer demand will help the supply chain to move efficiently through the hectic holiday season. Without the right predictions, though, the supply chain will lose customers and the overall company will be affected.

With holidays approaching, every supply chain needs to keep communication as their first priority. Black Friday and Christmas will leave a handful of companies as busy as ever. If suppliers and manufacturers do not communicate then shipments can be missed and customers are left unhappy. Staying organized and having strong communication will keep the movement of products running smoothly.

Sadly, snow is approaching right around the corner. This can affect a companies supply chain in a harsh way. If a severe snow storm is approaching, then distribution of products will be brought to a halt. There is no way to predict when a large storm is suddenly going to hit, so the companies are left running around trying to find the best way to get their products to the consumer as fast and safely as possible.

In this day and age, it is very easy to get frustrated when your product does not show up on time during the holiday season. We need to keep in mind that every companies supply chain is most likely working their hardest, but there can be a handful of factors contributing to getting your order out. The best thing to do is just sit back and relax, and just know that you will eventually get the product you ordered.

-Jarrod Lincoln

4 Qualities of a Successful Business-Person in 2017

Business is one of the most rapidly growing industries across the globe. As the markets increase, competition for jobs has also rapidly increased. To be successful in this industry there are several qualities that can give any business person a competitive edge.

One very crucial quality of a successful business person in this day and time is someone who is someone who is willing to step outside of the norm and take risks to set themselves apart. Business is the most popular degree for U.S. college graduates with nearly 400,000 students graduating with a degree in some sort of business each year ("The NCES fast facts"). The obtain a status of reigning success in the industry, creativity is crucial to differentiation. Trail and error is often involved in the journey to prosperous business endeavors. Steve Jobs is one of the most well known names in business. He is praised for his accomplishments with Apple Inc, but few know of the trail and error involved in his success. His company NeXT was a complete failure labeled as “the doom of his career,” later became the basis for much of the technology that are today’s widely loved Apple devices (Linn).

In looking for success, it is most often found among people who are passionate about what they do. It is extremely important to pursue jobs at companies that interest you, or motivate you to want to succeed. It is really hard to want to do well in a position that you hate. It shows when people like what they do, because they are willing to put in the extra work that is necessary to get ahead. Drive is is the most defining ingredient in the recipe for achievement.

Another important skill of a successful business-person in 2017 is the ability to set goals for themselves, and being willing to learn and grow throughout their career. Striving for new information and new techniques is a quality essential for being the best in your field. Business is a constantly evolving industry. Learning, and being willing to learn is crucial to success.

Business is often considered a social sport. Someone’s ability to affectively converse with a colleague and manage diverse environments is critical to their success. For most jobs in business, you come in contact with lots of different people with different opinions. Being able to get past, or understand people’s differences is crucial to affective communication. Relationships are important to help open the doors to opportunities for advancement in this career path.

With competition for business markets becoming increasingly more demanding, employers, and investors are looking for differentiation among individuals in the workforce. For those with future careers in business, it important to develop and polish these qualities for the most promising job pathways.

-Kenzie Miller

Work Cited:

Linn, Allison. “What Steve Jobs Taught Us: It’s OK to Fail.”, NBCUniversal News Group, 6 Oct. 2011,
Staff Writer. “5 Essential Skills for a Successful Business Career.” Image, Independence University,
“The NCES Fast Facts Tool Provides Quick Answers to Many Education Questions (National Center for Education Statistics).” National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Home Page, a Part of the U.S. Department of Education, id=37

Vozza, Stephanie. “Eight Career Skills You Need To Be Competitive In 2016.” Fast Company, Fast Company, 13 Jan. 2016, need-to-be-competitive-in-2016.

Monday, October 23, 2017

History of Supply Chain Management

The Supply Chain industry has been around for quite some time. As a result, it has changed several times. Taking a step back and looking at the history of Supply Chain is a good idea because viewing the past can give us insight to the present and future of our industry.

Lets start back about 100 years ago. Our nations economy, along with the global economy looked very different from what we see today. Back then Supply Chain focused on stream-lining very labor intensive activities. There was also a large push to optimize things like, storage, packaging and shelf space. Supply Chain was not necessary the global logistics field that we see today.
About 50 years ago, there was a major shift in how companies transported goods. Companies moved away from railways, and toward shipping in large trucks. This was significant because it was a whole new way to ship things with more efficiency. This resulted in more handling costs, and more warehouse space being purchased by large companies. Now that so much more product was being moved to market, it was getting increasingly difficult to keep inventory and and transactions records. This is when Supply Chain truly started to grow.

The 1980's marked the start of the modern Supply Chain era that we currently see today. Global economies became increasingly dependent on one another, and new technology allowed for product to be shipped across the world at rates that were never before seen. This is when Supply Chains became truly complex. This is when the need for Supply Chain Managers was felt across the world.

The future is very bright for Supply Chain Management. This is a high demand field that offers very rewarding work. Companies are always looking to streamline, cut costs, and increase profit. The Supply Chain Manager has a large role to play in the future.

-Devon Anderson

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Prompt 8: Practicing your knowledge.

I had the opportunity to travel overseas to China as a business intern for a company out of Detroit Michigan. Through this experience I learned a lot about how the supply chain works internationally.

The company that I interned with was a heater company out of Detroit, that distributes their product to suppliers overseas. We visited a lot of the warehouses that the product was brought to and met with the suppliers from China. It is interesting to see all the places product has to go to before it is brought to its final location.

Also, I learned a lot about the different aspects of the business that need to tie together for a successful product to come out the way that it is intended. We had to meet with the cities leader of the gas line to be able to work out the lowest price for the heater units to use and make them a competitive product to be sold in the area.

This was one of many different things that we had do to help increase the price efficiency of the product and make it more competitive for the market of China.

Although this experience was not fully related to supply chain, I was able to travel and visit a lot of different parts aspects of this companies supply chain and understand the how it all comes together to deliver the final product.

My job shadow opportunity sparked my interest in Supply Chain and I hope that in the future I will be able to do a supply chain specific internship.

-Kenzie Miller

Six Things To Know When Going Into Supply Chain

After doing this blog for a few weeks I have come to know the ins and outs of supply chain management. It has been a big help becoming more comfortable with the basics, but there is always more to learn. I recently read an article about the six main things people should know when looking for a career in supply chain management, and I thought it was worth sharing.

The first thing that you should know is the essentials of the job you are thinking about pursuing. There could be companies that are looking for a supply chain manager, but the day-to-day job description could be completely different. Even though it is the same job title, every company has their way of functioning their supply chain. So know the essentials of a certain job will help you know if it is right for you.

Secondly, supply chain relies heavily on data. If you are the type of person who can look at charts or numbers and find a solution, supply chain is for you! Workers must look at past numbers to see what was working and was not working. The main goal is to efficiently get the product to the consumer in a timely manner. They can take their most efficient months and build on whatever was working to provide the best service for their customers.

Another thing to know about supply chain is that it is very competitive. In order to be successful, you have to come to work everyday passionate and driven in order to make sure the job is done. If an order is backed up and late to a certain customer, then you might lose them. To work in supply chain, you must be a person that is known for getting things done on time.

One thing that should be known about supply chain is that it is not boring. Our world is constantly changing and so are consumers, which makes days as a supply chain worker very unexpected. Odds are, you will not show up to work doing the same exact thing you did the past few days. Supply chain is constantly looking for new ways to move products and gain the trust of large customers.

In supply chain, building relationships is a priority. Everyone knows the phrase, "it's all about who you know". Well, in this case, that is very true. Having connection in supply chain can open the door to new suppliers and customers. Once you acquire those suppliers or customers, you can begin to build a long lasting relationship with them. This will help with sales.

Lastly, there are so many career options in supply chain. Keep your mind open to all of the options and find what fits you the best. Before stating a career with a certain job title, it would be helpful to intern or shadow at certain companies to see what type of supply chain job interests you.

All in all, the article was helpful by letting me know what to expect in my future career. I am eager to continue becoming more comfortable with supply chain.

-Jarrod Lincoln

Prompt 2; Code of Ethics

Supply chain management is a vital department in companies; it's what keeps companies running efficiently at the best cost possible. states the code of supply chain ethics as "integrity in your decisions and actions, value for your employer, and loyalty to your profession." It's crucial in supply chain to be passionate and loyal to the job because a supply chain manager needs to focus on adding value to the company. A person with no dedication would not be able to help the company if their mind and heart are not wanting to succeed. Value for your employer allows for a close relationship between people in a company. Harmony and peace among co-workers adds to the efficiency of a company. Having integrity in your decisions and actions can lead to efficient initiatives.

I have valued these ethics in my own life since I started working at the age of fourteen. I have always known how important it was to have a good relationship with the boss and to have integrity in my actions. I had to learn though from working many different jobs just how crucial it is to have loyalty to your profession. Being devoted to your jobs allows for you to do your best work and succeed in your field. Many people know these code of ethics; they are common and many other jobs use these same ones. People may not have known that these code of ethics are applied to supply chain though, as it is a field that the world doesn't understand much about.

People in supply chain do follow these code of ethics. If they didn't, companies would not operate efficiently and would not produce goods at the best cost possible, resulting in losses. These ethics will impact me as a professional because I know that if I follow these code of ethics I will achieve excellence in my field.
-Lauren Jankowski

Works Cited:

“SCMA Code of Ethics for Professionals in the Field of Supply Chain Management.” The Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA) of Canada, Supply Chain Management Association, 2016,

“About Us.” Supply Chain Ethics Code | Truven, IBM, 2017,

“Code of Ethics.” Code of Ethics, Bloomsberg University of Pennsylvania ,

Monday, October 16, 2017

Prompt 9; Supply Chain Significance

Supply Chain Management is always working, always silently chugging along. Bringing consumers what they want, as fast and as cheap as possible. Truth be told, when I tell people that I plan on majoring in Supply Chain I often get funny looks. More and more people learn about this field every day, but for the most part it remains unknown to a large portion of the general population.

Supply Chain Digital published an article showing just how significant the Supply Chain industry is. The article talks about how the value of The Cloud Supply Chain Management is supposed to reach over 11 billion dollars by the end of 2023. The article mentions that the average Supply Chain is becoming increasingly complex, and so is the software designed to run these Supply Chains. As the complexities grow, values have been increasing at an insanely fast rate within the Supply Chain space.

To put this in perspective, the current value of Microsoft's Commercial cloud is around 5.5 billion. The Cloud Supply Chain Management is projected to reach over 11 billion, meaning that Supply Chain is a very popular field right now. This is important because this projected growth means that the industry will not become crowded out any time soon.

-Devon Anderson

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Michigan State is Number One
Michigan State University has been known for having one of the top programs for supply chain. This was very interesting to hear so I did some further research. I found a video posted by Michigan State which can be found here. The video showed a handful of people who voice their opinions on the program at Michigan State. One girl chose to study supply chain at MSU because she knew that it was highly ranked and would be respected by companies. Besides my dad, that is also one reason why I chose to study supply chain. Companies are constantly looking for people in supply chain; they will look more closely at MSU graduates because they know that the student went through the number one program in the country. What the students learn in the classroom at MSU is meant to directly relate to their everyday lives and future jobs in supply chain.

I also found a helpful article about Michigan State's supply chain program, here. It is made clear that MSU makes their students ready for a job when they are right out of college. Penn State also has a noteworthy supply chain program. They have always been close in the ranking to Michigan State. Throughout the years Michigan State has been placed either second or first on the rankings. The article explains it by saying, "Using a simple scoring rule that awarded three points for a top selection, two points for a second place selection and one point for third, MSU racked up 1,149 total points. Penn State scored 736." As you see, MSU is far above one of the other top supply chain programs. They are also known for being number one at the manager and Vice President level for future companies.

Knowing that the program for supply chain at MSU is highly respected is very comforting. It will not be an easy path to graduate in supply chain, but it will be well worth it. Companies will see that I went through the number one program and they will give me a chance. Once I get the chance, I will be able to move up in the company and prove to them they made the right choice! It is very exciting to be studying supply chain at the number one program in the country. For the next four years I hope it stays that way, and I hope to contribute to it.

-Jarrod Lincoln

Benefits of a Career in Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management is one of those careers that has grown increasingly more important over the course of the past few years. As globalization of markets has grown, so has the demand for Supply Chain Managers. What was once viewed as a blue collar job is now seen as one of the most distinguishing positions for thriving companies.

Every company has a supply chain and as we have globalized our sales markets, complex supply chain techniques and analysis have become defining to success. The companies that have mastered these techniques have earned high ratings of prosperity in todays competitive economy. With growing complexity of supply chains, supply chain managers are becoming more and more demanded.

There are lots of jobs in this field of business and opportunities for growth. As supply chains continue to grow more complex, so do the varieties and complexities of positions within the field. With so many different parts and realms of complexities, a large variety of different educational majors can be used to be successful in this line of work. The large range of specializations needed to ensure a prosperous supply chain allows for this versatility.

One of the largest benefits to a career in supply chain is the pay. The starting income for a supply chain manager is anywhere from $105,000 a year. That is a very large amount of money to be earning your very first year in any business position. As the demand for supply chain managers increases so does the pay. The growing importance of this position, keeps the the pay constantly evolving.

For anyone interested in Business but not sure what realm they are interested in, supply chain management is a beneficial career path worth looking into.
-Kenzie Miller

Work Cited:
“Industry Insight: Why Work in Supply Chain Jobs? | UA.” Uniting Ambition, Disqus, 18 Apr.
2017,, Site built by: “Supply Chain Manager Salaries.” Supply Chain Manager Salaries by Education, Experience, Location and More -,


There are many different fields of supply chain and procurement is a large field in this career. According to, procurement is defined as "buying the goods and services that enable an organization to operate." Procurement is another word for purchasing, to make it more simple. In this area of supply chain there is indirect and direct procurement.

Direct procurement is the act of acquiring raw materials for production. The goods are usually purchased in large quantities and from a number of suppliers for the best price possible. The job of an indirect purchaser is vital for the company to remain in business. Acquiring the materials at the best price possible allows for the company to work efficiently while not losing a profit.

Indirect procurement is the act of purchasing services or supplies that are necessary for day-to-day operations. This can include new equipment, office supplies, or obtaining services. An indirect purchaser must assess what will most benefit the company to achieve 100 percent efficiency.

Both jobs are vital to a company and without them a company would not be able to run adequately. It's important to know the difference between these two jobs because they are completely different. They impact the company differently and one must know what their job requires of them in order to be successful in it.

Works Cited:
“CIPS - Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply.” What Is Procurement and Supply? - The Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply,

-Lauren Jankowski

Monday, October 9, 2017

Supply Chain in Agriculture

Often times when people think of the supply chain field, they picture companies that are well known like Amazon, UPS, or Fed Ex. While these companies do make up a lot of the supply chain space, there is a whole industry that relies on supply chain. This industry affects everyone, every single day.

The United States Agriculture industry is by far the largest in the world. The United States is the leading importer and exporter of food on the planet. This is significant because often times these food goods exchange hands six or seven times before reaching their final destination in the consumers home. The amount of logistical work that can be found in the agriculture industry is frankly, unbelievable.

Agriculture companies like ABM, Dole Food Company, and Draxcon are all in desperate need of qualified Supply Chain Managers. Though working for an agriculture company may not seem all that glamorous, there is definitely money to be made in this industry. The agriculture industry is constantly looking for ways to increase efficiency in order to increase the shelf life of a product.

The Agriculture industry is the silent hub of the world. Always working, in the background and out of the news. This field is in great need of Supply Chain Managers, and since most of the companies in this space are private. The benefits are often significantly better than what you would find at a massive corporation.
So, if you're ever looking for an interesting place to work in Supply Chain. Take a look at the sleeping giant. The agriculture industry.

-Devon Anderson

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Prompt 4:Considering Delivery and Style

Looking for credible information online can be challenging with the mass amounts of information posted online every day. When researching supply chain two credible sources are blogs and scholarly essays written by established professionals in the field.

Blogs are a great way to access specific and current information about supply chain. When written by professionals, blogs can be an easy way to quickly access information about burning topics in the field. On the blog Supply Chain Matters written by Bob Ferrari, a large variety of real world stories are written regarding the supply chain happenings of recognizable companies often in an informal yet informative tone. Blogs often there are a large variety of topics covered that give the specifics on the happenings in the industry globally, and locally. Disadvantages of blogs is that they often can lack credibility if they are not written by a trusted source and can often by biased by the opinions of the author(s).

Scholarly articles can provide in depth information about topics. As they are normally focused in on on specific topic, they provide deeper insight into topics, but with a much more scholarly tone. To publish a scholarly article, a large amount of research needs to be made, and most of the time it is done by the person writing it, making it very credible. Disadvantages of a scholarly article is that they are often a lot of information, making specific info difficult to locate.

Both blogs and scholarly articles can be trustworthy resources for information regarding supply chain management with credible professional authors in the field.

-Kenzie Miller

The Top Supply Chain Companies

Supply chain is a fantastic field to go into when seeking a job out of college. From the small to the big companies, supply chain workers are in need. Every company needs to be able to move their products in a fast and efficient way. It is likely that the first job out of college will not be for one of the larger companies, but through hard work, you will be able to make it to the big leagues. Having a very effective supply chain will allow all of your products and raw materials to arrive on time to the designated location, which will keep the costumers happy. The larger companies can see this efficient work and may want you on their side.

Well known companies such as: Nike, McDonald's, BMW, and Coca-Cola have been ranked in the top 25 best supply chains. They have gotten this honor through strong inventory management, being flexible with order requests, and speed of order fulfillment.

Nike was ranked eighth out of the 25 top supply chain companies. They have spread to have 700 factories that span across 42 countries. They have focused on the productivity of their labor and have been reducing waste. Here is a basic look at the flow of Nike's supply chain.
McDonald's had a very efficient year and made their way to second on the standings. They have found a system of supply chain that has been working for years. This results in McDonald's having 35,000 restaurants in over 100 countries. They are able to serve about 68 million customers per day.

BMW found themselves at the 22 spot on the list. Over the years they have ensured that they have a mutual understanding of their products with their suppliers to ensure product quality. They also pride themselves on their competitive prices and innovation.

Coca-Cola is one of the largest beverage companies, who are ranked 14 on the list. They want to serve their costumers with efficiency, so 95 percent of the beverages they make are made in the country in which they plan to sell them. This allows them to lower their productions time. Coca-Cola also prides themselves on their relationship with their retailer.

Knowing about the big companies can help when you are setting goals for yourself. Once you get a smaller job out of college you can begin tracking on how the big companies are doing recently. Then, you can send out applications to the companies that have been doing well in order to fulfill your goals.

You can find my source here if you would like to see the rest of the best supply chain companies across the world.

-Jarrod Lincoln

Friday, October 6, 2017

Prompt 5: Supply Chain Management Association

This past Tuesday I attended a general membership meeting of the Supply Chain Management Association we have at Michigan State University. Before I went I explored the club's website to get an idea of what the club is about. Just by looking at the website I could tell that the members have a professional mindset and are ambitious to accomplish their goals. I took a look at the schedule the association posted and the first thing I noticed were all of the opportunities this group provides to give a person experience and to get involved in the business world. The members of this organization are serious about their future and are willing to take the steps they need to achieve their goals.

During the two hour meeting, the board members introduced themselves quickly and mentioned any announcements they had to share. After their brief introduction, four major companies presented including: Boeing, Intel, Target, and 3M. The companies provided details about internships and career opportunities they offer. After the meeting concluded members got the chance to talk with the companies and even turn in their resumes. Outside of the lecture hall were even more companies the association had arranged to have them critique resumes. This club offers individuals many resources to allow the to succeed. Supply Chain Management Association matches it's professional style with a close and friendly group of people who are all encouraging of each other.
Their main form of communication is through email. The board members summarize what the meeting will consist of and they include any announcements that they have for the members. A second form of communication is on the website where they project
up coming events. Supply Chain Management Association is a professional setting that encourages you to succeed.

-Lauren Jankowski
Image result for msu scma

Monday, October 2, 2017

Real life examples of Supply Chain Management

For anyone who has ordered anything on Amazon, you have been a costumer to one of the leaders and innovators of supply chain management. When you order a package included in their Prime service, or two day delivery offer, a warehouse is notified, and puts your packages together within hours, and sends it off for delivery. 

This supply chain is commonly used by all online companies, but what sets Amazon apart is how they are able to to do it so quickly and at such a low cost. Thanks to the supply chain management, the company is light years away from most companies, in metrics and communication, delivery speed.

Methods that Amazon has used to obtain success include, cutting down their use of human labor as well as partnering with other companies to ensure the lowest price and the most consistent product. In many of their factories they have cut down on human labor using machines to package, as well as in some countries delivering using drones. Amazon has taken great success from utilizing their supply chain managers and increasing the speed of purchase to delivery with flawless coordination in-between.
Next time you order something on Amazon with two day delivery, you have a supply chain manager to thank for getting you your package on time!

-Kenzie Miller

aneesh p Follow. “Case Study on's Supply Chain
Management Practices | MBAtio...” LinkedIn SlideShare, 28 Feb. 2014,

Burnson, Forrest. “6 Ways Amazon Is Changing Supply Chain Management.” Software Advice, Software

Advice, 13 July 2016,

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Different Careers in Supply Chain

When one thinks of Supply Chain Management, the easy association to make is that everyone with this degree is a Supply Chain Manager. Makes sense, right? Wrong. While there are certainly a lot of Supply Chain Managers in this field, there is actually a variety of positions available to graduates with a Supply Chain degree. The following list is just a few, you can find more here.

Supply Chain Manager: $104,850
A Supply Chain Manager handles the logistics of a product. From the factory where it's produced, to the retail location where it's sold to a consumer. They oversee the whole 'supply chain' and make sure that it is running efficiently.

Purchasing agent: $62,220
A Purchasing Agent handles a lot of the business prior to the manufacturing of whatever product their respective company is trying to sell. They create purchase orders, purchase equipment, contact suppliers, and take care of almost anything necessary to manufacture a product.

Logistics Analyst: $74,260
A Logistics Analyst has several different tasks. They maintain databases that are full of information about efficiency and distribution tasks, they review performance data in order to ensure maximum efficiency, and they also just look at the supply chain as a whole to see what can be improved.

-Devon Andeson

Prompt 1: Common Preconceptions

Supply Chain Management is not widely known by most people. This may result in a handful of preconceptions of what supply chain is or how supply chain workers present themselves. Before truly looking into what supply chain is my preconceptions were as follows. The workers most likely are outgoing and have good social skills. I think this because they need to be able to communicate to keep the flow of goods steady and frequent. They should also be comfortable with people of many backgrounds because they have sales with all nations. Workers in supply chain probably have to be good on computers; they need to be able to make spread sheets or create charts to keep track of sales. Change is all around us, especially in sales, so workers must be able to adapt to change.

After doing some research, most of my preconceptions I was not sure about turned out to be correct. When big companies have many suppliers, communication is key to avoid any slow down of the product getting to the consumer. Good social skills come in handy in Costumer Relationship Management, it is cheaper to have a long-lasting relationship with a customer, rather than trying to constantly pick up new costumers. Because supply chain has gone global, it has opened new markets and ways to retain supplies. This goes along with my idea that the workers must be able to relate to people of all backgrounds. Not all workers in supply chain need to be good with computers, though. There are many job titles in supply chain, so there are options that do not require computer skills. Lastly, a costumers demand is always changing, people in supply chain have to forecast these changes in order to adjust their sales to keep costumers. The source of my research can be found here.

I found that I had a good grasp on the basics of supply chain. After doing the research, though, I feel more well-rounded in what I know. The second edition of Principles of Supply Chain Management was easy to follow along with and very helpful (link posted above).  It is a great source to any type of questions about supply chain.

-Jarrod Lincoln

The Skills Needed for Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management isn't easy and it requires a set of skills to be successful. There are many more skills that are useful, but the skills I discuss will help one succeed and be a leader in supply chain.

The first necessary skill is to have information technology and automation knowledge. This skill uses technology as a tool to acquire the data one is looking for. It is important to know how to use certain softwares as their use in the business world is expanding.

A second skill that is vital is to have a grasp of economics and market behavior. It is imperative to understand how the market functions and to be able to predict its future demeanor. The market connects companies to their cost of producing and cost of goods sold. Obtaining this skill allows a supply chain management leader to run the company cost efficiently.

Understanding cost-to-serve is another useful skill. Being able to determine when a service is impairing the company's profit is something not many have. Acquiring this skill will put you ahead of others and can help you make direct and positive impacts to the company.

The skill of flexibility is important to being a supply chain leader. Data is constantly changing and being able to change your course of action is vital to succeed. It's crucial to embrace change as it comes and to not resist it.

A fifth skill is project management skills. Under this skill is it essential to have organizational skills, negotiation skills, and knowledge of risk management. It's critical to comprehend risk associated with the approval of a project. Communication and negotiation skills allow you to effectively discuss projects and data with members of your team to ensure efficiency among the company.

The last skill I will be discussing is the ability to get the best from people. Encouraging others to thrive in the field is what makes a team successful. One must remember that if the team works together and succeeds, everyone succeeds. Communication, collaboration, and change are the three C's of supply chain leadership to keep in mind when part of a team. A leader also must be able to asses their own weaknesses and build on those to be the best leader on can be.

Knowing the skills that are needed for supply chain is important to be successful in this career. These skills are useful to know because it gives an idea of what it takes to work in supply chain management.

Works Cited:
O’Byrne, Rob. “6 Key Supply Chain Leaders' Skills and Why You Need Them | Supply Chain and Logistics Blog.” , 1 Dec. 2016,

-Lauren Jankowski

Sunday, September 24, 2017

What is Supply Chain Management?

In companies that develop a service or product, there is a supply chain that is used to turn outsourced materials into their final product. There are many steps to developing a product out of raw materials, and in order to produce consistent merchandise effectively, someone needs to manage and regulate each step. A supply chain manager takes the role of making sure that the the individual parts, as well as the overall supply chain is working efficiently and cost effectively. Individuals of this position use various softwares to control inventory, orders, logistics, forecasting and planning, as well as efficiently handling flawed or deficient product. Supply chain managers are largely influential contributors to the success of developed and spawning companies.

-Kenzie Miller

My Path to Supply Chain

Ever since I received an acceptance letter to Michigan State, everyone and their brother has had the same question for me. "Oh, what are you going to study?" For months that question tripped me up, to be brutally honest I had no idea what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. As an 18-year-old, planning for the future is both taxing and intimidating. So, I went through the entirety of my senior year unsure of what path I would follow once I finally made it to East Lansing. Then, one day I stumbled onto an article highlighting the best majors to pursue in college. Near the top of the list I saw Supply Chain Management.

Not knowing what Supply Chain was, I started doing research. The more I learned about the field, the more interested I became. After seeing things like high starting salaries, positions in high demand, and great benefits I decided that Supply Chain Management would be a good fit for me. Once I realized that Michigan State has the number one Supply Chain program in the country, that was even more of a motivator. I switched my major preference to business, and started heading down the path to a degree in Supply Chain Management. 

-Devon Anderson

Prompt 3: Professionals In Supply Chain

This past week I interviewed two women who graduated from Michigan State University and both majored in Supply Chain management. Before they had officially graduated they had many job offers and had signed with a company. I asked them questions relating to supply chain and I learned that there are many things a person can do with a supply chain major.

The First person I interviewed was Gabby. She was an excellent student and had internship every summer during her time at MSU. Once she graduated she signed a contract with Raytheon in Washington D.C. where she works in the purchasing department. She collaborates with members of her team to create projects to maximize purchasing power of products. She has meetings with her acquaintances then goes to individualized work. She then meets with her team again to discuss all of their findings and determine the best solution. Once her and her team have decided on the best solution, they create a presentation for their boss, who then critiques their work and helps them optimize purchasing power. She emphasized the importance of having data to support her claims and findings when showing her boss information. Communication is primarily face to face during meetings or through email. She also communicates with the operations team to keep them up to date on her findings. Gabby mentioned that supply chain is very analytical, but there are many jobs that offer hands-on work.

I also interviewed Julia, who is a supplier relationship manager at IBM in Raleigh, North Carolina. She is part of an international team with members in China, Japan, Budapest, and Brazil. Email is a vital source of communication for her because most of her team is in a different country and time zone. She creates presentations of the progress she has made for a project. Her team's main goal is to consider the best way to purchase and distribute products from different companies. Once her team has optimized their findings they present it to their boss who then evaluates their work and determines if it is the best way to go. Not only does she communicate with members of her team, she also communicates with other departments, such as the purchasing department. With the fast pace environment of the company, information is constantly changing, which she must take into consideration while working on projects. She affirmed that there are many job opportunities in supply chain that range from an abundance of fields.

-Lauren Jankowski