Sunday, October 22, 2017

Six Things To Know When Going Into Supply Chain

After doing this blog for a few weeks I have come to know the ins and outs of supply chain management. It has been a big help becoming more comfortable with the basics, but there is always more to learn. I recently read an article about the six main things people should know when looking for a career in supply chain management, and I thought it was worth sharing.

The first thing that you should know is the essentials of the job you are thinking about pursuing. There could be companies that are looking for a supply chain manager, but the day-to-day job description could be completely different. Even though it is the same job title, every company has their way of functioning their supply chain. So know the essentials of a certain job will help you know if it is right for you.

Secondly, supply chain relies heavily on data. If you are the type of person who can look at charts or numbers and find a solution, supply chain is for you! Workers must look at past numbers to see what was working and was not working. The main goal is to efficiently get the product to the consumer in a timely manner. They can take their most efficient months and build on whatever was working to provide the best service for their customers.

Another thing to know about supply chain is that it is very competitive. In order to be successful, you have to come to work everyday passionate and driven in order to make sure the job is done. If an order is backed up and late to a certain customer, then you might lose them. To work in supply chain, you must be a person that is known for getting things done on time.

One thing that should be known about supply chain is that it is not boring. Our world is constantly changing and so are consumers, which makes days as a supply chain worker very unexpected. Odds are, you will not show up to work doing the same exact thing you did the past few days. Supply chain is constantly looking for new ways to move products and gain the trust of large customers.

In supply chain, building relationships is a priority. Everyone knows the phrase, "it's all about who you know". Well, in this case, that is very true. Having connection in supply chain can open the door to new suppliers and customers. Once you acquire those suppliers or customers, you can begin to build a long lasting relationship with them. This will help with sales.

Lastly, there are so many career options in supply chain. Keep your mind open to all of the options and find what fits you the best. Before stating a career with a certain job title, it would be helpful to intern or shadow at certain companies to see what type of supply chain job interests you.

All in all, the article was helpful by letting me know what to expect in my future career. I am eager to continue becoming more comfortable with supply chain.

-Jarrod Lincoln


  1. As I was reading through this blog, I found it interesting about how supply chain can be used in many different fields, but how it is still considered to be supply chain. After reading this article I was wondering if and how so supply chain can be used within all fields?

  2. Supply chain can be used by the majority of fields, but not all of them. If a company needs to buy and sell raw materials from a supplier or a consumer, then they will need a supply chain. With that in mind, most fields need a supply chain. They need it because they are either purchasing materials, or are trying to distribute them.
