Sunday, October 22, 2017

Prompt 2; Code of Ethics

Supply chain management is a vital department in companies; it's what keeps companies running efficiently at the best cost possible. states the code of supply chain ethics as "integrity in your decisions and actions, value for your employer, and loyalty to your profession." It's crucial in supply chain to be passionate and loyal to the job because a supply chain manager needs to focus on adding value to the company. A person with no dedication would not be able to help the company if their mind and heart are not wanting to succeed. Value for your employer allows for a close relationship between people in a company. Harmony and peace among co-workers adds to the efficiency of a company. Having integrity in your decisions and actions can lead to efficient initiatives.

I have valued these ethics in my own life since I started working at the age of fourteen. I have always known how important it was to have a good relationship with the boss and to have integrity in my actions. I had to learn though from working many different jobs just how crucial it is to have loyalty to your profession. Being devoted to your jobs allows for you to do your best work and succeed in your field. Many people know these code of ethics; they are common and many other jobs use these same ones. People may not have known that these code of ethics are applied to supply chain though, as it is a field that the world doesn't understand much about.

People in supply chain do follow these code of ethics. If they didn't, companies would not operate efficiently and would not produce goods at the best cost possible, resulting in losses. These ethics will impact me as a professional because I know that if I follow these code of ethics I will achieve excellence in my field.
-Lauren Jankowski

Works Cited:

“SCMA Code of Ethics for Professionals in the Field of Supply Chain Management.” The Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA) of Canada, Supply Chain Management Association, 2016,

“About Us.” Supply Chain Ethics Code | Truven, IBM, 2017,

“Code of Ethics.” Code of Ethics, Bloomsberg University of Pennsylvania ,

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