Sunday, November 19, 2017

How to Get Into Supply Chain

In order to get into the number one program, the are degree requirements to get into The Eli Broad College of Business. First, one must achieve 4 credits in writing, 3 credits in a 200 level biological science and a physical science, 2 credits for a physical or a biological lab, 4 credits each in an arts and humanities 201-210 and 211-241, 4 credits each in a 200 level social sciences and a 300 level, 3 credits in MTH 103 or MTH 124, 3 credits in introduction to probability and statistics, 3 credits in computing concepts and competencies, 3 credits in both intro to macroeconomics and microeconomics, and an international requirement of 3 credits.

Once business admitted status has been accomplished, one must take 3 credits each of ACC 201 and 202 of principles of financial accounting, 3 credits in business communications: oral and written skills, 3 credits in business analytics and information systems, 3 credits in financial management, and 3 credits in each of the following listed: managing human resources and organizational behavior, quantitative business research methods, managerial marketing, introduction to supply chain management, and business policy and strategic management.

Then once admitted to a major, there are courses required to graduate with that major. For supply chain a student needs 3 credits in each in procurement and supply chain management, manufacturing planning and control, and logistics and transportation management. One of the following courses of either supply chain application and policy (2 credits) or supply chain industry applications (3 credits).
Here is a document with the listed courses needed to get into supply chain.

-Lauren Jankowski

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