Friday, October 6, 2017

Prompt 5: Supply Chain Management Association

This past Tuesday I attended a general membership meeting of the Supply Chain Management Association we have at Michigan State University. Before I went I explored the club's website to get an idea of what the club is about. Just by looking at the website I could tell that the members have a professional mindset and are ambitious to accomplish their goals. I took a look at the schedule the association posted and the first thing I noticed were all of the opportunities this group provides to give a person experience and to get involved in the business world. The members of this organization are serious about their future and are willing to take the steps they need to achieve their goals.

During the two hour meeting, the board members introduced themselves quickly and mentioned any announcements they had to share. After their brief introduction, four major companies presented including: Boeing, Intel, Target, and 3M. The companies provided details about internships and career opportunities they offer. After the meeting concluded members got the chance to talk with the companies and even turn in their resumes. Outside of the lecture hall were even more companies the association had arranged to have them critique resumes. This club offers individuals many resources to allow the to succeed. Supply Chain Management Association matches it's professional style with a close and friendly group of people who are all encouraging of each other.
Their main form of communication is through email. The board members summarize what the meeting will consist of and they include any announcements that they have for the members. A second form of communication is on the website where they project
up coming events. Supply Chain Management Association is a professional setting that encourages you to succeed.

-Lauren Jankowski
Image result for msu scma

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