Sunday, October 29, 2017

Seasons Affecting Companies Supply Chains

There are many factors that contribute to a companies supply chain. They have to prepare for each holiday season to make sure everything runs smoothly. Every season comes with different challenges because of various discounts on products. If your companies supply chain is not able to produce enough products and ship them out to the eager customers, then they will lose their clients. I found an article that expresses the affects the holidays have on a companies supply chain.

It all starts with predicting what the consumers will demand to have. Every season has new products that everyone "has to have". They do not want to over or underproduce a certain product. Predicting the customer demand will help the supply chain to move efficiently through the hectic holiday season. Without the right predictions, though, the supply chain will lose customers and the overall company will be affected.

With holidays approaching, every supply chain needs to keep communication as their first priority. Black Friday and Christmas will leave a handful of companies as busy as ever. If suppliers and manufacturers do not communicate then shipments can be missed and customers are left unhappy. Staying organized and having strong communication will keep the movement of products running smoothly.

Sadly, snow is approaching right around the corner. This can affect a companies supply chain in a harsh way. If a severe snow storm is approaching, then distribution of products will be brought to a halt. There is no way to predict when a large storm is suddenly going to hit, so the companies are left running around trying to find the best way to get their products to the consumer as fast and safely as possible.

In this day and age, it is very easy to get frustrated when your product does not show up on time during the holiday season. We need to keep in mind that every companies supply chain is most likely working their hardest, but there can be a handful of factors contributing to getting your order out. The best thing to do is just sit back and relax, and just know that you will eventually get the product you ordered.

-Jarrod Lincoln

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