Sunday, September 24, 2017

My Path to Supply Chain

Ever since I received an acceptance letter to Michigan State, everyone and their brother has had the same question for me. "Oh, what are you going to study?" For months that question tripped me up, to be brutally honest I had no idea what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. As an 18-year-old, planning for the future is both taxing and intimidating. So, I went through the entirety of my senior year unsure of what path I would follow once I finally made it to East Lansing. Then, one day I stumbled onto an article highlighting the best majors to pursue in college. Near the top of the list I saw Supply Chain Management.

Not knowing what Supply Chain was, I started doing research. The more I learned about the field, the more interested I became. After seeing things like high starting salaries, positions in high demand, and great benefits I decided that Supply Chain Management would be a good fit for me. Once I realized that Michigan State has the number one Supply Chain program in the country, that was even more of a motivator. I switched my major preference to business, and started heading down the path to a degree in Supply Chain Management. 

-Devon Anderson

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